Healthy Dogs

Healthy Dogs
Two Very Active Dogs - Shadow & Stella playing tug-a-war

The Harm Of Giving Vitamins To Dogs

We know that we should be using vitamins, but do we really need to worry about giving vitamin supplements to our dogs? And if we do give supplements, are there any repercussions that we need to be aware of?

vitamins for dogs like digestive enzymes help improve your dog's healthA good multi-vitamin specially formulated for our canine companions is almost always a good thing to give. Just like we don't get all the vitamins we need from the food we eat, neither do our dogs. And depending upon the quality of the dog food you provide, and how you store the dog food, not only may your dog not be getting enough, but by the time you get to the bottom of the bag of dog food, the quantities of nutrients is considerably less than when you first opened the bag.

A good dog supplement simply helps promote good health. You can also get supplements to help with other conditions your dog may be having, such as joint problems. With joint problems, you can find dog vitamins that also contain glucosamine which helps keep the joints lubricated.

If you are worrying about giving too much vitamins, the following post on vitamins for dogs has a section at the end that gives the signs of toxicity from vitamins.