Healthy Dogs

Healthy Dogs
Two Very Active Dogs - Shadow & Stella playing tug-a-war

Homemade Healthy Dog Food Means Less Waste

Why do I say homemade dog food means less waste? Well, it actually has two meanings for me.

First, I'm able to use up food that might otherwise go to waste in my house. Leftover chicken or pasta that no one has eaten in a day or two (and therefore will probably not ever get eaten) now goes into our dog's homemade food. I feel better about not wasting food, and my dogs LOVE it. Just remember not to feed onions, grapes/raisins, chocolate, caffeine, macadamia nuts, and alcohol. There are other things on the list, but everything is debatable as to whether, and how much, is considered harmful for your dog. I have found that my Catahoula can eat about anything, whereas my Mastiff has a much more sensitive stomach. Better err on the side of caution with the debatable foods - that's my motto.

The second meaning for less waste? Well, basically, the dog's waste. I laugh when I go to my mom's house; she has a toy poodle. When I take him outside to go to the bathroom, I am always amused at how small his poop is! We use the small sandwich bags to clean up his stool! With my mastiff, it used to fill up about 1/3 to 1/2 of a plastic grocery bag. Now, after feeding homemade dog food, it fills up about 1/4 of a bag - and it doesn't stink!