Healthy Dogs

Healthy Dogs
Two Very Active Dogs - Shadow & Stella playing tug-a-war

More Proof Homemade Healthy Dog Food is Best

As if stopping the dog itching weren't enough, I now have more proof that homemade healthy dog food is the best thing for your dog!

I was on the floor the other day with our mastiff, Stella, petting her. She's such a goofball. She was on her back, just chillin', enjoying her massage - what a life!

When we got Stella, back at the end of October, she had a big knot (I guess it is a cyst) on one of her front elbows. It was just a little smaller than a golf ball. My friend said that it is common among mastiffs - nothing to worry about. OK - I didn't know anything about mastiffs, so I just took her word for it. It didn't appear to hurt her.

So I'm petting her all over and run my hands down her front legs when I notice there is no knot/cyst. I check her other leg, thinking I was mistaken about which leg it was on - nothing there either. I still don't know what caused it in the first place (I really should research that but there are only so many hours in the day).

My personal opinion is that it was a collection of toxins that her body could not get rid of while she was eating that vile commercial dog food. Now that she is relatively toxin-free on homemade healthy dog food, her immune system is in peak condition and she slowly eliminated whatever was in there!

Just more proof of the power of the body - if it's fed good, nutrient-filled food!