Tip #4 - don't stress!
At first, I must admit, I was a little anal about making sure I had every component ready for my dogs' next meals. With the holidays and parties and all right now, I had used up all my veggies for the dogs at an evening meal and was just too tired to make up some more for the next morning meal that night.
The next morning I got up and went to feed the dogs and started stressing cause I had no veggies to give them! My husband looked at me like I was a little crazy. Then I remembered a tip I had read during all my research - "don't stress! If you don't have a component, add more of another. Then at the next feeding, double up on the missed component and half the component you added more of."
Really, it's pretty simple, isn't it. Kind of makes me feel a little silly that I even got worked up at all. I mean we, as humans, do it all the time. Eat a meal at a fast food place - do we get our veggies there? Usually not, at least not MY kids.
So don't stress over your homemade dog food. Trust me, what you are feeding them is so much better than the majority of the commercial dog food out there. There are a few - and the number is growing - of small dog food companies, like Sojos Dog Food, that are making natural, organic foods that are actually good for your dog.
Want to find out more about how to make homemade healthy dog food for your dog? Visit my website, Homemade Healthy Dog Food, and hopefully I can help you on your journey to make your dog healthy.