Healthy Dogs

Healthy Dogs
Two Very Active Dogs - Shadow & Stella playing tug-a-war

Easy Cure for Dog's Itchy Skin

Wow, after only 1 post I got an e-mail!

The person wanted to know what the supplement was that I used with the regular dog food to stop my Catahoula's itchy skin.

I honestly don't remember that exact supplement, but I also did not use just one! Once I got it from the grocery store (which was one brand), other times I got them from pet stores and large retail stores (other brands). Not much help, but then again I tried many brands and I believe most worked fairly well.

There are several kinds:
  • pills - my dog DID NOT like - they smelled nasty and he'd leave them in his bowl. I had to put them in cheese so he would at least finish the bottle - which I never got again!! Although, they did still help with the itching - my dog just didn't like them.
  • liquids - this worked best for my dog. It looks like an oil and I just squirted some on his dog food at each feeding.
  • gravies - I did not like this option as it had to be refrigerated and so some times I forgot to add it. Plus, for some reason the one I got was kind of messy.

My choice - the liquid - Shadow liked the taste, it was easy to add, not messy, and could be stored with the dog food. Sorry I can't recommend an actual brand, but all three types worked well with my dog's itchy skin. For me it came down to ease-of-use more than brand name.

The thing about the supplement is that it's a little on the pricey side - not exorbitant, but not cheap either. Think about making your own homemade healthy dog food for your dog, where these nutrients that your dog needs so badly are naturally in his food. I started thinking, what else is my dog's body needing that he isn't able to show me!